Yes! That's right! Part of my reasoning for not being able be active on this page is because I been really busy with applying to this awesome program called TaLK (Teach And Learn in Korea). It's a really unique internship that was offered to me by my university, which seeks out students in the Korean minor program, to fly to Korea to teach children English. It gives these TaLK scholars the opportunity to not only connect with people across the world while embarking on this amazing journey, but also to greatly improve their Korean language skills, in addition to come to understand Korea as a whole by living there for six months to a year.
I cannot express my excitement for this, no matter how tiring the application process was! I had to start from scratch with applying for my passport, which I didn't even have my birth certificate to apply for it! It was a pretty messy start and thought that this was going to be a near impossible process. But as of right now, I have an original copy of my birth certificate, passport, my CRC records all done. But don't let my simplistic words fool you! This was an incredible fest for me to overcome. Some of which lead to some pretty funny moments, though initially stressful.
Being a poor college student without a car, I had to get to the post

Once he picked me up and saw my slight disappointment in believing we wouldn't make it, (because I really worked so hard up to that point I just wanted to get it done with) he ever so slightly pushed his car beyond the speed limits through the back roads. We were both pretty amused about what we were up against. We were laughing and cursing ourselves for it, but we didn't care. We were going to try to over come this sinister time crunch.We arrived in the post office lot right on time. I literally swung open the door and gunned for the door with my documents in hand, he still hadn't even come to a complete stop. I pushed through the door and felt a slight irritation wash over me, a line stood at the counter.
When it was my turn at the counter, I explained my reason for being there, "passport please."
The older gentleman, who was grey from his years and having a cold distant dispassion because of them, said "sorry, but I think the time has passed for that. Come back tomorrow." I just stared at him blankly. I know that this man didn't realize what It meant for me to have it done right then, nor know the complications that me and my friend had gone through to really pushed ourselves to get there on time. That because of this line, it caused me to be in an unlucky position of being late in his eyes.
"I'll take care of her." Another older gentleman said, smiling at me. I was saved.
After that day, I spent countless hours on making example lesson plans, writing personal essays, and research proposals that were all to be submitted to TaLK. I'm also required to conduct research once in Korea. I choose my topic to be on the aspects of Korean film, which will include movies and dramas respectfully. Though K-pop was my first love, the entity that introduced me to Korean culture, I choose K-film because I felt that K-pop would be too easy for me. It's something that wouldn't let me conduct real research. I just know too much about it. Who knows, maybe I will get lucky and be able to interview a small time producer or one of those cute action stunt boys that they're always showing in the dramas... ㅋㅋㅋㅋ ≧◔◡◔≦
When I fly over, Can It be in this plane? =) |
As of right now... I'm still waiting on Korea's invite, which will finalize the application process. All I can say right now is 아자 아자 화이팅!
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